Think you “know someone” because you already met at a Shabbat dinner? If I had a dollar for every time that someone told me they can’t date someone because they met them briefly, saw their picture on Facebook or dating app and therefore they know them, I would be RIIIIIICH!!!!

Because we have so much choice these days we feel we can always wait for the next one to come around.

The truth is, as much choice as there is, and the fact that there is always someone around the bend shouldn’t outweigh the fact that we want to be in a relationship now, and not 30 years from now.

I have seen many of my clients become obsessed with the idea of not being able to date someone because they “Kinda Sort of Know them.”

What does it mean to really “know” someone? How much or how little should you know someone before you decide it is worthwhile to try and date them? Can attraction really just be skin deep? Isn’t it possible that on the day you met/saw someone they may have been having an off day, and the fact that someone knows the two of you that little bit better that maybe they see something you have not yet had an opportunity to see?

Before nixing a dating offer because you already met them briefly once in a chance setting, ask yourself how well you really do “know them”, and consider what more you need to know about them before you decide they are or are not for you.

There is so much to know about a person that even a lifetime of living together will take time to reveal who they are. And even more importantly people do change over time. So if you met someone years ago, while they may not have been right for you then, they may very well be right for you now.

Sure this dating thing takes a lot of time, but as they say, “You Gotta Be in it to Win It”, and you have no idea how many wrong people can really help you determine who may be right.

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