Want to Reignite Your Commitment to Love?

Want to Reignite Your Commitment to Love?

With the holiday of Shavuot coming up, being known as the holiday the Jewish people committed to keeping the laws of the Torah (and for some a massive cheesecake fest), it got me thinking about the way  many of us commit to romantic relationships.  As many of you...

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Tending to Your Relationship

Tending to Your Relationship

I was tending to my garden today and thinking how bad I feel for neglecting it for so long. Many of the plants were in serious need of immediate care as the leaves were dying and flowers were unable to bloom.  The cold winter weather sometimes brings me down...

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Make your Relationship Feel more Free?

The more aware Daniel and Rebecca became of their emotions that were fueling their dynamic, the better able they were to calm down and not feel afraid they were losing themselves in this relationship. The more they felt they understood themselves, the better they were able to express what they needed from one another.

They couldn’t always get things exactly the way they wanted it, but at least they felt their partner wanted the best for them, which was even more important.

When we feel we’re in a relationship where our partner has our back, this feeling of safety and security gives us the greatest feeling of FREEDOM!

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Why We Wait to Feel Desperate?

Why We Wait to Feel Desperate?

When I met Shana, an attractive woman in her 30s, she was dating a new guy every few months. She was feeling desperate and frustrated that everywhere she looked her friends were pairing up, but for some reason it just wasn’t clicking for her.  When Shana went to...

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